czwartek, 16 sierpnia 2012

Elbląg poza granicami Polski-tłumaczenie

No i w końcu dostałem tłumaczenie tekstu. Tak dla zainteresowanych. Jest co prawda po angielsku ale wierzę, że się jednak czegoś w tej szkole uczycie i dacie radę z tym tekstem. Co prawda jest to też trochę o mnie i moje nazwisko pada kilka razy także aż mi głupio ale trudno. Niech i tak będzie!

Imagine what it would be to live in a city where the only spots where you can spend an afternoon with your people are a "skatepark" of 10 square meters, with a single pyramid, too inclined, and "the Monument" as it's called, perhaps because is the only in the city, with some flat and a little gap. It's called Elbląg, a city in the north of Poland, so you may add to the lack of conditions that it snows all winter. However, despite the difficulties, the community of skaters has increased, mainly due to the efforts of the local skaters, who were not waiting for someone to come to organize championships or build ramps, and they threw themselve to work.

"I started skatin at 13 years old, in 2003, when I saw a kid of my age trying to make some ollies on a street near my house." Recalls Krzystoff Pacewski. "It was a spot where some people had skated long before we started, but who had moved to other cities after doing 18 years old, so we did not have anyone to ask how to make a kickflip, or why we were not getting a shove it. We had to try it for ourselves, with some help from Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (3, at the time) and the Extreme Sports Channel. "

After finishing school Krzystoff went to study to Gdansk, a larger city "with skate shops, skateparks, and even a skate plaza known throughout all Poland." When he returned home, in week-ends or in summer vacation, the lack of conditions led him to build kickers and boxes of wood, and in 2009 organized the first competition of skateboarding. "We built some ramps in my basement. Even the newspapers came to see what was going on! "

Meanwhile Elbinghetto appeared, which is actually just a name that the Elbląg skaters gave themselves. "Someone shouted 'Elbinghetto, motherfuckers!' and it stayed. Gutek created a blog and started to publish our videos, organize trips and now we even sell t-shirts. "But more then the videos or contests, this guys began to fix the spots, so that everyone could give some runs in conditions. "We added a rail, four stairs and a ramp to the Monument. And yet we continue to work to improve the space. "

Thus, Krzystoff's group managed to boost skate in this town where nothing happened: " it's something informal, local, but that does not let us die of boredom and brings some freshness to everyone."

For sure that it already happened to you to think that your town needs a skatepark, there are no spots at all and that nobody organizes anything. When this happens, remember Elbinghetto and his passion for skateboarding, and then call some friends, organize your own scene and have fun!

2 komentarze:

  1. `remember Elbinghetto and his passion for skateboarding` dobre sobie

  2. krzysztofffffff


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